Self-propelled lawnmowers
The choice of the right lawnmower model for your needs must be based primarily on the type of terrain to be managed. While push-type mowers are a viable alternative for uniform and level gardens, self-propelled lawnmowers are the most suitable option for working on sloping lawns with overgrown areas.
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The main characteristic of self-propelled lawnmowers is coupling between the wheels and the engine or motor. Thanks to this solution, the machine is accompanied rather than pushed and cutting performance is optimised.
The Oleo-Mac models are easy to use and to manoeuvre, thanks to the ability to control propulsion speed, and they offer exceptional performance levels even in the presence of obstacles.
The COMFORT PLUS series, with single speed propulsion system is the ideal solution for larger areas (up to 2000 m² in the case of the 51 cm model) and for uneven or gently sloping ground.
In addition to rear pick-up mode, the ALLROAD series includes mulching operation and side discharge as part of the standard package. Equipped with large diameter wheels, these models offer smoother running action, even on rough terrain.
The ALUMINIUM PRO models are suitable for professional use on areas in excess of 2000 m², thanks to technical solutions such as the steel transmission and front bumper, the aluminium wheels and the reinforced 51 cm body.
The LUX 55 models are characterised by their extreme ruggedness and generous load capacity, even when working on wet grass. Packed with all the features demanded by groundcare professionals, these machines are designed to tackle large size grassed areas (more than 2300 m²).